My Z News

This Little Boy Rescued A Three-Legged Dog. The Bond Between Them Is Remarkable

When we hear stories about rescue animals, we often think about them just being about the animal that’s no longer in a shelter. Sometimes, however, the stories involve more than one rescue. Sometimes the animal helps the person who adopts it just as much as its new owner.  Take the story of Owen and Haatchi. Owen, a young boy with a rare medical condition he was self-conscious about in public, needed a friend. Haatchi, a dog whose abusive early years left him missing a leg and his tail, needed someone to love. Together these two souls have built a bond of friendship that has helped them both overcome some of the darkest elements of their lives. Enjoy.  Read more:


Bad Dog Steals Pizza, Sets Fire

Part of the reality of owning a dog, especially a bigger dog, is dealing with counter surfing. Our furry friends are also natural furry thieves. That’s why it’s important always to keep track of where your dogs are when food is around, and why it’s even more important not to leave your pizza boxes unattended on the oven. Otherwise, your dog’s theft might accidentally turn into an arson as these now mortified dog owners sadly learned. Thankfully no one was hurt, but this is one bad dog who’s going to be in time out for a long, long time.  Read more:


Playing Fetch With A Seasonal Twist

Dogs love many things – bones, chasing cats, sniffing everything, playing catch – it’s a pretty joyful existence. But for one special dog named Stella, there’s only one source of pure joy in the world. For Stella pure happiness only comes from a deep, thick, glorious pile of leaves.  Leaves to hide in, leaves to jump in, leaves to run through. After you watch Stella happily romp through this massive pile of autumn mirth, you’ll wish you had a stack of leaves this big to jump in all to yourself. Sadly, unlike Stella, you’d probably have to rake them all up again when you finish. Of course, if Stella’s smile is any indication, any work jumping in these leaves creates is entirely worth it. Read more:


Here’s What Happens To A Grapefruit After 72 Days

No fruit is more divisive than the grapefruit. Unlike other citrus fruits, grapefruit is bitter, impractically large and requires a special spoon to eat it. Seriously, can you think of any other fruit that can’t be eaten without a specific tool? Its juice tastes like poison and it smells like something that could bring a dead body back to life. But those who love it swear by it. They begin every morning with half a grapefruit sprinkled with salt and wouldn’t have it any other way.  Recently, YouTube channel “Temponaut Timelapse” showed us what a grapefruit looks like as it rots over the course of 72 days. Whether you enjoy eating them or not, their time-lapse offers a fascinating look at the intense changes that naturally occur over time. Read more:


How To Make A Techno Song Without Computers

One common criticism of dance DJ’s, whether it’s true or not, is that they don’t do anything in a live setting. They just hit play on a laptop, pretend to fiddle some knobs, and bob their heads. If you’re a dance music cynic, we have you covered, thanks to this live music demonstration from artist Graham Dunning. Utilizing an old record player and some odd musical equipment, Dunning has crafted a complicated Rube Goldberg machine that busts out sick dance beats while you wait. This DJ might just hit play and step back, but we think you’ll agree, he’s doing plenty of work.  Dunning’s project was part of Rhythm and Drone, an artist residency project. You can read more about it here.  Read more:


Faucets Make The Best Musical Partners

The Altra Volta String Quartet is a musical group of stringed-instrument players that are steadily becoming increasingly popular. Since the group was founded in 1998, the predominantly Polish group has performed all over the world to thousands of people. The quartet features Leszek Sojka on 1st violin, Jacek Dzwonowski on 2nd violin, Aleksandra Marko-Lech on viola and MichaÅ‚ Lech playing cello. Together, they have become renowned for their ingenuity in breathing new life into traditional string music. Traveling and performing together requires a lot of practice and discipline in their lives. However, that doesn’t mean that they can’t have a little fun. Seen here in a bathroom, one of the group’s members decided to have a little fun with some noisy pipes. Read more:


This Simple Physics Trick Can Turn You Into A Smoke-Breathing Monster

Seeing your breath come out of your mouth is usually a clear sign that the cold weather season is here. But what if you could make your breathe visible, or in the words from this video “make clouds,” appear even when it’s not cold out? That’s the trick on display here as “Physics Girl” from PBS Studios shows us how to form a cloud with your tongue and let it escape through your lips. By keeping your lips sealed tight, water droplets can form on your tongue. The water droplets eventually become water vapor and escape when your mouth becomes depressurized. Following these steps can turn your breath into clouds or turn you into a smoke-breathing dragon, depending on how far your imagination is willing to take you. Did this trick work for you? Let us know in the comments. Read more:


Judy Garland’s Emotional Performance Of ‘Over The Rainbow’ From Her Rare TV Special

While Judy Garland will forever be associated with the song “Over The Rainbow” from The Wizard of Oz, the actress and vocalist only sang the iconic tune on television twice. This rendition, from 1955s “The Judy Garland Special,” is remembered as one of the most soulful and emotional performances of the star’s tragically short life.  Prior to singing the song, Garland and guest David Wayne performed the dance to “A Couple of Swells” from 1948s Easter Parade. Originally performed alongside Fred Astaire, the dance required Garland to wear tramp makeup. When Garland came out for “Over The Rainbow” there was no time to remove the makeup, due to the live nature of the broadcast. It didn’t matter. Her deeply heartfelt vocal performance resonates with honest pain and reflection.  At the time, Garland was dealing with problems in her romantic life and professional career. By the end of the performance she sounds like she’s on the verge of tears, but never once misses a note. Garland passed away in 1969 at the age of 47, but her legacy has lived on. Enjoy this rare look at a lost icon.  Read more:


This Texas Lawyer Has The Most Insane Commercial

In the 1960s, Brian Wilson revolutionized pop music with his band the Beach Boys. Now, in 2015, lawyer Bryan Wilson has revolutionized lawyer commercials with his ad dubbing himself the Texas Law Hawk. Do you want hawks? He’s got them. How about a grown man catching a fish with his bare hands? Oh yeah, that’s here. Maybe questionable levels of aggression in the name of protecting the 4th amendment are your bag? You’re in luck.  We have no idea if this commercial will gain Wilson any new clients, but he’s earned a few fans at the offices. Bravo Bryan Wilson. Hopefully, your bare handed fish catching technique proves useful in the courtroom.  Read more:


A Little Girl Caught A 5-Pound Bass On Her Adorably Pink Barbie Fishing Rod

Score one for Barbie merchandise! A video of an adorable little girl named Avery, aged roughly five or six, fishing with her hot pink Barbie fishing rod has been catching everyone’s attention. It’s not because of how cute she and her little pole are (which they undeniably are) but the fact that she catches and successfully reels in a hefty 5-pound bass. She’s got dad encouraging her and helping now and then, but at the end of the day this is Avery’s prize and she absolutely earns it for herself. In case you’ve never been fishing, reeling in a bass of that size is something that many novice adults might struggle with so the fact that this little girl reels it in is pretty incredible. The fact that she does it on what is essentially a toy rod has many people wondering what kind of steel the rod is made from. I say well done, Barbie (and Avery). This rod is proof that just because something is pretty in pink doesn’t mean it’s not tough enough to handle a challenge. Read more: