My Z News

Learn How To Make Millions Diving For Golf Balls

Golfers dread hearing the word “fore” shouted on the course. It signifies that a golf ball is about to be lost to one of the hole’s various hazards. But, for a special few who roam golf courses, the word “fore” might as well mean “cha-ching.” Glen Berger is one of many professional golf ball divers across the United States. Golfers lose an estimated 300 million balls annually, and only 100 million of those are ever recovered. Losing a Titleist or two to a pond isn’t a big deal for most players, but for divers who can make around $1 per ball, they add up quickly. It turns out Gordon Gekko has been wrong this whole time. Your fortune isn’t waiting for you on Wall Street, instead it’s hiding at the bottom of a murky lake in Florida, guarded by a couple of hungry alligators. Read more:


The Unexpected Beauty Of Animal Attacks

When an animal is attacking at full speed, the results can be terrifying. When you watch an animal attack in slow motion, the results are awe-inspiring. Thanks to the BBC you can find out for yourself from the safety of your home. Don’t worry, there’s no gore or real violence in this clip, just the furious wonder of the circle of life. See an owl spread its wings for a powerful strike, a mantis moments before snagging its prey, and a turtle show a piece of celery who’s boss. This gorgeous photography gives you a look into the hidden world of animal’s dinner time. Kick back, relax, and give thanks you don’t live outside. Read more:


Don’t Get In A Fight With This Mini-Samurai

Superheroes don’t just exist in comic books; sometimes they come in the form of an 8-year-old girl with a katana. This little samurai performed in front of a panel of judges at a martial arts competition and became a viral sensation in the process. With flips, kicks and tons of sound effects, she performs a two-minute routine that looks straight out of a Jet Li movie. There’s an action movie career in her future, just make sure you’re never on her bad side. Read more:



It’s a battle of the Jeffs in this alternative game of Jeopardy, appropriately titled “Jeffpardy!” Watch as three contestants named Jeff challenge each other in such categories as “Jeff,” “Jeff” and also “Jeff.” The returning champion, Jeff, was able to give the correct answer to the clue “Jeff” by responding with “Jeff.” Unfortunately, none of the contestants were able to answer the question “Jeff” to which host Alex Trebek revealed the correct answer to be “Jeff.” Read more:


These Holograms Prevent Drivers From Illegally Parking In Handicap Spaces

It’s easy to do wrong if you never have to see the people affected by your actions. Even things that seem harmless, like leaving a bit of trash on the ground or parking illegally for a few minutes, have consequences that someone will eventually pay for. A new feature in Russian parking decks requires illegal parkers to see the people their actions are harming. An astounding 30 percent of Russian drivers illegally park in handicap spaces, forcing disabled drivers and their passengers to park further away. By putting a real face on the victims of this crime, Russia hopes to deter illegal parking through empathy. The world would be a better place if we all remembered to love one another, even though we can’t alway see each other. Read more:


Incense Burning Up Close Is A Beautiful Sight

Everyone is familiar with incense and the pleasurable aromas they give off when burned. But you may not be familiar with what burning incense looks like with an extremely up close and high-def camera. The crew at Seterokroma did this by creating an ASMR video of the process. Everything is in real time and the high-def footage reveals the microscopic bubbles that make the process beautiful to watch.  ASMR videos are designed to stimulate your brain with very specific visual and auditory sensations. The science behind ASMR is new and highly disputed but there is no doubt that the end result is a very beautiful piece of art. Read more:


The Hole That Leads To Nowhere

“The Devil’s Kettle” might sound like a cheesy B-movie from the sixties, but it’s actually a strange landmark located on the Brule River in Minnesota. At one point, the river splits into two different waterfalls; the first feeds into Lake Superior, but the second’s destination is a little more mysterious.  Neither scientists nor nature enthusiasts can figure out where this second waterfall disappears to after it enters a nearby hole in the ground. Holes like this, referred to as “kettles,” are located all around Minnesota and can often be traced easily. But when it comes to “The Devil’s Kettle,” no amount of tests can determine where all that water is going. While we highly doubt there are supernatural forces at work, it’s fun to think about what sort of undiscovered geological phenomenon could be responsible for this bizarre landmark. Read more:


The Human Spirit Endures In Paris

On November 13, Paris suffered a devastating attack that claimed the lives of at least 129 civilians. Terrorists struck six locations in and around Paris, including the Bataclan concert hall and the Stade de France. As the world attempts to process this overwhelming display of hatred, people are expressing their love and support for those at the heart of the tragedy.  Bombs exploded outside of the Stade de France in the middle of a soccer match between France and Germany. In response, the crowd evacuated the stadium. Unsure of what carnage might be waiting for them outside, soccer fans began singing the French national anthem on their way out. Their voices are rich with pride and strength. Their pride is in their country and the values they hold dear. Their strength lies in their ability to overcome this hardship, as well as any they’re faced with in the future. Here’s a useful list of all the ways you can help Paris recover. Read more:


Bulldog Sings With Owner In The Car

It’s important to have a best friend; someone who can party, hang out, and, most importantly, sing songs with you. Walter Ledermüller has such a best friend, a sweet little French bulldog named Junior. With the help of Junior, this duo sings a beautiful take on Josef Salvat’s cover of  “Diamonds.” The dog might let his dad take the lead, but his hearty howl is, of course, the highlight of this rendition. We could all be so lucky to have a best friend like Junior.  Read more:


Watch The Evolution Of The Human Species In 90 Seconds

John Gurche is a superstar in the little-known field of paleoart. John makes a living creating beautiful and realistic images of long dead creatures based purely off fossil evidence. His work has been featured in museums all over the country, including the Smithsonian. His newest book is called “Shaping Humanity: How Science, Art, and Imagination Help Us Understand Our Origins.”  The video above acts as a sort of teaser for the book, which compiles the work of his numerous anthropology projects. John spent years studying the remains of human ancestors to create the most accurate image of human evolution possible. Millions of years are compressed into 90 seconds, as the ape-like creature in the first frame eventually turns into the author himself in the last frame. Read more: