My Z News

Homeless Are Surprised With A Day At The Spa

People generally don’t think of anything nice when they hear the word “prank.” Too often, pranks are dangerous or malicious in nature, and meant to humiliate and degrade those who fall for them. If you grew up with older siblings, you probably know what it’s like to be pranked yourself – and that you don’t want to be on the receiving end ever again. Unless, of course, you’re being pranked by the Prank It FWD campaign. Since early 2014, the organization has been surprising individuals with life-changing “pranks.” From a housekeeper who was given her own house to an ice cream truck that hands out much more than cold treats, Prank It FWD has made a difference in many lives. However, their philanthropy doesn’t stop there. For every 1,000 views or single share of their latest video, they donate $1 to, one of the largest platforms for social change in the world. How’s that for using YouTube for a good cause?  Read more:


Rock Climbing Toddler

Kids these days grow up so fast. When I was 19 months old I was stumbling around, playing ring toss, and smashing trucks together. These days 19 months is just early enough to start doing extreme sports, and the extreme toddler movement already has its leader. Check out the jaw-dropping skill demonstrated by this little tyke as it scales this indoor rock climbing wall. By the time this kid is in 2nd grade, it’ll be free-climbing mountains with the pros. We can only imagine how hard it is to keep this kid in its crib at night.  Read more:


Cancer Patient Gets An Early Screening Of The New “Star Wars” Film

Since the first film debuted in 1977, Star Wars has held a special place in the hearts of its most loyal fans. They’ve been with the franchise through the good times (The Empire Strikes Back) and the bad (Jar Jar Binks) and are always looking forward to a new story from that galaxy far, far away. With The Force Awakens premiering next month, Star Wars fandom feels like it’s at an all-time high.  Some fans like Daniel Fleetwood, however, know that they might not be around when the much-anticipated sequel hits theaters. Thankfully, the folks behind Star Wars understand how much it means to so many and were willing to make sure Daniel saw the new film early. No franchise could be successful without a group of passionate fans supporting it, so it’s nice to see creators take the time to do something special for a single fan. Read more:


Korean Teenagers Nail An A Capella Cover Of Stevie Wonder

It seems like every classic song is turned into an a cappella sing-along nowadays, but there’s something special about this 5-part harmony to Stevie Wonder’s hit “Isn’t She Lovely.” Every part of the song is performed with perfection, including the trumpet solo. If Stevie Wonder is ever looking for some backup singers, he could do well to travel to South Korea and find this group of stylish teens. Now enjoy this song being stuck in your head for the rest of the day. Read more:


Go For A Ride With Tesla’s New Autopilot System

Tesla has recently released the most sophisticated driving technology available, an autopilot system available for the Tesla Model S. While it’s not quite a fully self-driving car, it is the closest you are likely to get in the near future. The autopilot system uses 12 sensors, a camera, and a complex GPS to function in traffic. The demonstration in the video shows just how creepy the new technology is. There is nothing more unnatural than to completely take your hands off the wheel while maneuvering through traffic. But this Tesla does it without a problem and shows that the future of driving is a lot closer than we may think. Read more:


Two Guys With Jetpacks Fly Alongside An Airplane Like It’s No Big Deal

No, this isn’t a scene from the new James Bond movie. These are two real guys flying on two real jetpacks next to a real airplane. Is that real enough for you? The flight took place in the skies of Dubai and features not only two working jetpacks, but also the world’s largest passenger aircraft. The stunt was coordinated by Jetman Dubai, an aviation group that routinely puts on risky stunts such as this one. With the help of Emirates Airline and an original soundtrack by Erik Groysman, the beautifully shot video truly feels like you’re watching the future. Read more:


Waste Not, Want Not: How Hamsters Store Food

Hamsters are some of the most common pets in America. They’re easy to breed, easy to care for and undeniably adorable, so it’s no wonder why many homes feature one of these furry friends. Like other animals, hamsters have evolved to survive in their natural environment, and these skills carry over into their behavior even when kept as pets.  For instance, have you ever wondered why hamsters are so good at crawling through tunnels? Hamsters are master burrowers who use intricate tunnels systems to hide from predators and the elements, therefore their bodies are designed to navigate the tight corners of their subterranean homes. Syrian hamsters are actually known to burrow as deep as 0.7 miles below ground. In addition to burrowing, hamsters are “food hoarders,” capable of transporting large quantities of food in their cheek pouches. When full, these pouches can make a hamster’s head up to three times larger. After learning about how well-equipped hamsters are for survival, we see them as way more than a cute pet. Read more:


Marshmallow Farming

Marshmallows are a fruit that we often take for granted, not wanting to think about the hard work that goes into farming them. Unfortunately, this season’s marshmallow crop will force us to do just that. North Carolina, widely known as the largest producer of marshmallows, was hit hard by rain storms that destroyed the majority of their harvest. This weather, which no one could have predicted, is sure to have an effect on everyone from consumers to farmers. Marshmallow farmers are a handful of brave individuals chasing an unlikely goal. Some say they do it for the money, others for the glory, but folks like Ben Yokan tell a different story. When he looks at the marshmallow trees covering his land, he doesn’t see a huge paycheck or recognition from his peers. Instead, Yokan sees a child biting into a s’more for the first time. He sees someone plopping a few perfectly ripe mallows into a mug of hot chocolate as snow descends from the clouds. Ben Yokan is farming a dream. And while it didn’t come to fruition this fall, there will always be another harvest and another chance to make the world a better place. Read more:


Tattletale Dog Doesn’t Have Its Sister’s Back

Sometimes you have to be a tattletale, like when someone commits a crime or puts another person in danger. For one little puppy, the standards aren’t so high. This dog will rat out her own sister for the pettiest of offenses. What’s up dog? Haven’t you ever heard of sibling loyalty? Keep this in mind when that little Chihuahua doesn’t invite you along for the garbage can heist she’s been planning.  Read more: