My Z News

One Terrifying Moment Taught The Rock How Precious Life Can Be

Dwayne Johnson, aka The Rock, is a hero to millions of people around the world. From professional wrestling to acting to charity work, Johnson has inspired countless fans with his charm and athletic prowess. Yet one narrowly avoided tragedy during his childhood could have stopped all of that. Instead, it became an inspiration to Johnson to always remember that life is precious. Listen to his story, and hold the one’s you love close.  Read more:


John Madden Brings Out A Telestrator To Break Down … A Bucket

John Madden is considered to be one of the greatest sports commentators ever. However, many people today only know him from his incredibly popular NFL video game. If you never had the joy of listening to the now retired John Madden call a football game, you can catch a glimpse of it in this clip where Madden jokingly spends an inordinate amount of time talking about a family of water buckets. Madden combined sports knowledge and humor in a unique way that completely changed how sports announcing was done. Modern football owes a lot to the genius of John Madden. Read more:


Wimp Movie Night: The Princess Bride

Advertisement Bored on Friday night? We have you covered. Welcome to Wimp Movie Night, where each week we suggest a family friendly film for your viewing pleasure. This week’s film is 1987’s adventure classic The Princess Bride. Tumblr Review:  The Princess Bride has the distinction of being one of the most crowd-pleasing family films of all time. While its basic story is familiar – a redeemed hero sets out to rescue his lost love from an evil prince – the film’s unique blend of genres make it something wholly its own. It has action, romance, horror, comedy, and a perfect sense of pacing that never allows one element to take over too drastically.  Advertisement Narrated by a grandfather reading to his sick grandson, this post-modern fairy tale slowly unfolds with the delightful playfulness of a bedtime story, complete with addressing the critical questions children sometimes have about fairy tales. Questions like this.   Tumblr Of course, it isn’t just a kissing book… er… movie. Oscar winner William Goldman’s script is full of people who have lost things, from Wesley and Buttercup’s lost love to the swordsman Inigo Montoya’s quest to avenge his murdered father. For some fans it’s remembered as a romance, others view it as a comedy or an action film. There’s no wrong way to look at The Princess Bride. It’s all of those things at once, neatly wrapped in a blanket of witty comedy and heart-pounding action.  Advertisement Wrestling legend Andre the Giant shines as Fezzik, a mighty giant who’s more interested in telling silly rhymes than smashing heads, even if that’s his main occupation. Mandy Patinkin’s Inigo Montoya is a heartbroken swordsman, hiding his pain behind a swinging blade and his equally sharp wit. Cary Elwes and Robin Wright encapsulate the aching pain of lost love with humor that keeps it from ever getting too serious. Few films can pull off romantic comedy elements in a fire-breathing swamp. After watching The Princess Bride, you’ll wish more movies tried.  Tumbler Couple these loveable characters with some of the greatest sword fights in cinema history, and you have an action classic that has a little something for everyone in your viewing party.  Advertisement Content:  The Princess Bride is rated PG, but it is very much a ‘80s PG film. People die during sword fights, are attacked by giant rat monsters, and, at one point, contemplate taking their own life. While there is blood, it’s never gratuitous. For families with children under seven or eight, keep your little ones close during the Fire Swamp sequence, just in case they find it too intense. Also, there is some mild profanity towards the end of the film.  Tumblr Is It Streaming:  As of 11/20/15 you can stream the movie on Encore’s Play app. Check your cable provider to see if you have access to this service. It is also available for rental from iTunes, Redbox, Vudu, and other major streaming sites. It also regularly plays on basic cable.  Will Adults Like It:  Yes. No matter what genre of film you […]


Doppelgangers From Different Countries Meet For The First Time

The doppelganger used to be an almost mythical sort of idea. That somewhere out there, there existed another human being that through sheer luck or fate looked exactly like you. Movies and books told many a tale about coincidental meetings between two unrelated twins, and as you can imagine, hijinks would usually ensue. But thanks to the Internet, facial recognition technology, and clever entrepreneurs, there are now easy ways to find your own doppelganger, and maybe go on some film-worthy adventures of your own. Of course, there’s still a fair bit of luck involved, but sites like certainly make the odds a little less astronomical. Read more:


What School Lunch Looks Like In Japan

We’re all human beings. We all eat, we all sleep. We all love and care for our children. But around the world there are many different cultures, and each of those cultures can sometimes have a different definition for a few things, including what caring for children looks like. In most of the world, education is certainly one aspect of caring for our kids. It’s not only useful in keeping them safe, it helps prepare them to be adults and continue to keep this planet spinning. But what does education look like around the world? Well, in many ways it’s very much the same as it is anywhere else. In American schools we teach our kids to read and write. In Japanese schools they do the same. We have gym class; they have gym class. We have band practice; they have band practice. When it comes to lunchtime though, many public schools in Japan do things a little differently. You see, they don’t view lunch as a “break” from school, but just as much a part of their education as anything else. So after thanking their teacher for teaching them, the students head downstairs and begin bringing serving dishes and other items right up to their classroom. Assigned students then serve the other children before sitting down to eat themselves. Their teacher eats with them, but also informs them about their meal. When they’re finished, they spend a little time afterward cleaning up their dishes but also the classroom and even the hallways. In fact, most Japanese schools only employ adults for more potentially hazardous work like building maintenance and biohazardous sanitation. The service and cleaning portions are meant to teach students how to work together, but also how to be responsible for one’s own life. After all, when a student arrives in a dorm room in college, they don’t have a janitor showing up to vacuum their floors or wash their clothes. Read more:


Little Boy Says The One Thing You Don’t Want To Hear At A Wedding

Your wedding day is one of the most special experiences of your life. Your friends, family, and loved ones gather together to celebrate love. There’s just one problem, once the show gets started you have to roll with what happens, especially when kids are involved. Thankfully this wedding was interrupted in the most adorable way possible. Right as the pastor is getting into the ceremony one little boy makes an hysterical announcement that has everyone in stitches. This is a day they’ll remember for the rest of their lives.  Read more:


Sit Back And Watch A Freehand Illustrator Turn A Blank Canvas Into Incredibly Detailed Art

There’s no doubt Kim Jung Gi is one of the most talented artists around today. Born in South Korea, he made a name for himself when he published his sketchbook which contained over 3,000 pieces of art. In 2015 he began putting videos of his art and process on YouTube to promote his tour through Europe. What makes Kim Jung Gi so remarkable is that he doesn’t take the time to sketch out the broad shapes of whatever he is drawing but instead goes right into the intricate details. His precision in freehand drawing has made a lot of buzz in the art community. Read more:


Watch This Tesla Park Itself … Very Slowly

The world is bracing itself for the rise of self-driving cars. Manufacturers from Mercedes-Benz to Audi have begun developing models to prepare for the future demand. One of the top innovators is Tesla, the automotive and energy company run by Elon Musk. They too have dipped their toes in the water of automated driving and have been met with tons of praise.  Here, a Tesla model S 7.1 shows off its self-parking capabilities. This feature, called Summon, allows you to use your phone to park the car in your garage and shut off the power. You can also use it to start the car and back out of the garage. It’s a useful feature, even if the car does look a bit clunky while doing it. Read more:


3-D Printed Art Allows Blind People To Experience Famous Paintings

Advertisement If someone mentions the Mona Lisa, it’s almost impossible not to mentally bring forth the image of da Vinci’s classic. But for those who are blind, that image, immediately recognizable across the globe, simply isn’t available. But that won’t be the case for much longer if Marc Dillion, the genius behind Unseen Art, has anything to say about it. The Helsinki-based designer wanted to make art, particularly the classics, available to those who can’t see them. Inspired by the recent developments in 3-D printing, his goal is to create high-quality models that can be placed beside the paintings in museums. Dillion has made use of fairly inexpensive and accessible 3-D imaging software, a sand-based medium and a 3-D printer. Advertisement Aside from placing the pieces in museums, he hopes to eventually make the files open (for free!) to everyone, so they can be printed on a 3-D printer anywhere in the world. Dillion has reached out to artists all over the globe to help bring both classic and unknown pieces to life through his project. He’s also launched a crowdfunding campaign to be able to get more artists involved. The goal it to build a platform on which to host the files and provide a place of community for all interested parties to interact.  Advertisement “Creating equal access for art globally is our passion and goal,” explains Dillion. Art is meant to inspire, educate and provoke, and he wants to allow everyone the opportunity to be involved in this unique facet of the human experience. If you’re still not convinced, watch Riikka Hänninen, who has been blind since birth, have her first encounter with the famous half-smile of the Mona Lisa. Via: Pulptastic | Unseen Art Read more:


A Young Mom’s Battle With Rare Disease Is A Powerful Lesson In Perseverance

Becoming a parent for the first time is an emotional rollercoaster. You’re exhilarated and tired, ecstatic and blue, all at the same time, even if it all goes off without a hitch. If you end up suffering from Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS), things are entirely more complicated. GBS is a disorder wherein your immune system attacks your nervous system. People describe the symptoms as weakness or tingling beginning in the legs and spreading to the arms and upper body. Eventually, paralysis occurs and complications can arise from being unable to breathe, blood clots and more. The syndrome can affect anyone, although it is rare. While there is no cure, treatments exist to help patients return to normal in anywhere from a few weeks to a few years. Read more: