My Z News

Virtual reality goggles turn the floor into lava

Did you ever play a game called “The Floor is Lava” when you were a kid (or adult)? It’s where you pretend that the floor is made of lava and you must get around the house by crawling on top of furniture. Now, the virtual reality is taking this classic game to the next level… Read more:


Camping beside the “Door To Hell”

The Darvaza Gas Crater, otherwise known as the “Door To Hell,” is located in the Karakum Desert of Turkmenistan. This is one campfire you might not want to roast a marshmallow over. Read more:


How to fix a printer

Well… it may not fix the printer, but it will help you blow off some steam. Read more:


Metallica plays for 1.5 million fans in Russia

Twenty-five years ago, Metallica rocked out in Moscow, Russia for over 1.5 million fans. Can you imagine what it must have felt like to play for that many people? Read more:


Get lost in these 3-D printed strobe light sculptures

John Edmark’s 3-D printed sculptures are anything but stationary. Unlike an ordinary sculpture, Edmark spins his pieces underneath a flashing strobe light, creating an effect that you’ve got to see to believe. Read more:


Grieving Family Gets A Christmas Surprise

Anyone who’s lost a loved one knows that holidays can be some of the most challenging times. We can’t help but remember the traditions and special moments we shared with them in years past, making us wonder if these celebrations will ever feel the same.  This family lost their father and husband last year and weren’t sure how they’d handle Christmas without him around. They recently returned home after being away for a while, unsure of how they would feel when they reentered the house that holds so many memories. Little did they know, some of their close friends had volunteered their time to make it as warm and welcoming as possible. There’s no doubt that this year will be hard, but, hopefully, the decorations will remind them of their father’s love and the wonderful times they shared together. Read more: