My Z News

Making EDM with rubber chickens

Electronic dance music, which encompasses genres such as “house” and “dubstep,” is played in clubs all across the country. Typically, it’s made from a complex mixture of beats and sound effects, but these guys have a method that’s a little… squeakier. Read more:


What truly matters at the end of your life?

BJ Miller suffered a terrible accident in his youth. Instead of giving up on life, however, he decided to dive deeper and investigate what truly matters when our time on earth is almost up. Read more:


Just some Canadians shoveling snow

If you’re a Canadian trying to clean up a bunch of snow, maybe don’t ask a group of Bhangra dancers to shovel it for you… Read more:


This airport tow truck is merciless

This airport tow truck drives by every five minutes and picks up any car without a driver. It’s swift, merciless, and unforgiving. Long story short – don’t try to get free parking at the airport. Read more:


Dad builds epic backyard Ninja Warrior course for his daughter

Lylah MacCall might be one of the most promising Ninja Warriors we’ve ever seen, but the real hero is her dad for dedicating so much time and energy to building this awesome training course for his daughter. Read more:


This Bulldog Was Scared To Cross Over This Cable But Then He Came Up With A Genius Solution

The smartest people in the world are all problem solvers. They have a tremendous ability to examine an issue from all angles and figure out what the best way to handle it is. These problem solvers also have a tendency to think completely outside the box and come up with a solution that no one else has ever thought of – like Steve Jobs when he created the iPhone and Taco Bell when they created the Quesalupa.  Well, you can count Bentley the bulldog among these titans of innovation. Bentley is an English bulldog living in Vancouver, Canada who became Internet famous recently for a genius bit of quick thinking. While walking through his house, Bentley found himself face-to-face with one of his worst fears – a yellow cord. Bentley knew he didn’t want to step on it, but he also wasn’t about to let it keep him from crossing the hallway. That’s when Bentley’s mind was put to the test, and he more than impressed everyone who was watching.  The English bulldog calmly turned around and put his back to the cord. Then, one step at a time, he walked backwards over the cord so he didn’t have to face it. It may seem weird, but for Bentley it was a perfect solution. Once he stepped past the cord, Bentley turned back around and continued his journey out the door. From the look on his face, you can tell this was one happy pup.  Please enjoy and SHARE this video with your friends on Facebook! H/T: Mister Bentley The Dog Read more:


Behold the fearsome roar of the desert rain frog

Of all the animals that roam the desert, none are more fearsome than the desert rain frog. Whenever it grows angry, this creature lets loose a terrifying roar that would strike fear into even the strongest warriors. Brace yourself. Read more:


The future of projection

The following video is a demonstration of dynamic projection mapping onto a deforming non-rigid surface. If you fell asleep halfway through that sentence, we don’t blame you, but it looks a lot cooler than it sounds. Just imagine the potential applications of this incredible technology. Read more: