My Z News

How air moves

Air. It surrounds us every day, yet is invisible to the naked eye. Now, thanks to a technique known as “Schlieren Optics,” we can finally observe what air looks like when it moves. Read more:


100 Seconds To Grab Whatever You Can Carry At An Electronics Store. This Guy Knows What To Do

The European electronics store Media Markets gave one man the greatest deal of all time this past October. Kreeg Wannes had 100 seconds to grab whatever he could from the store without the use of a cart to help carry the products. His solution? Kreeg used a large flat screen television as a make-shift shopping cart and threw whatever he could on top of it as he slid around the store.  After grabbing multiple iPhones, laptops and a copier, Kreeg ended up with over $27,000 worth of merchandise. Do you think you could have done better? What would be the first thing you grabbed? Let us know in the comments. Read more:


Lion interrupts man

Kevin Richardson, aka “The Lion Whisperer,” was delivering an important message about habitat conservation when he was interrupted by a lion named Tau. We don’t speak Lion, but it sounded pretty important. Read more:


Don’t Warm Up Your Car … Too Much

So, this is complicated. You’ve probably been hearing a lot these past few winters about what you should and shouldn’t do with your car. What to rub on your windshield to keep it from fogging. What you should fill a sock with to aid in that quest. Whether you should or shouldn’t warm up your car. The Internet can really amplify the advice you receive from suggestion to command. When you see 40 people in your Facebook feed all sharing the same thing, maybe it’s time to listen. But fear, uncertainty and doubt might be fueling these continual reshares of advice, that while well-intentioned, might not exactly be sound. The topic of warming up your car in the winter before heading out for the day has been the subject of some debate. There are self-proclaimed professional mechanics who swear on their mother’s grave you absolutely should. There’s a man with literally a doctorate in the subject of combustion engines, Stephan Ciatti, whose advice on the matter has been distilled via oversimplification down to “don’t ever warm up your car, ever, or you’ll break it.” The truth, as always, lies somewhere in between. Let’s avoid any talk of severe cold. If you live in a place where you need an engine block heater installed, you probably already know what you need. But for the rest of us? If you have a modern car, we don’t recommend giving it more than five minutes of a warm-up. One or two is all that’s really necessary, and those “let me start my car and then have breakfast” marathon warm-up sessions? Those could actually damage your car! When a modern engine is cold, the car knows to add more gasoline into the mix in the engine. This is great for getting it started. But if the engine doesn’t warm up quickly, that rich mix can lead “gasoline washing.” The gasoline can dissolve the oil seal on the cylinder head. Metal rubs against metal and leads to a bad time. Once or twice probably isn’t going to kill your car. But those of you who rely on warm-ups to clear your windshield instead of an ice scraper? Take note. Read more:


Spinning a golf ball with compressed air

This guy uses some compressed air to make a golf ball spin and float in the air like magic. Of course, always exercise caution when using compressed air, and don’t try this at home. Read more:


Welcome to the future

They say that necessity is the mother of invention. We don’t know if the world needed this talking fish, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to have it around. Read more:


Heckler puts his money where his mouth is

While watching one of the practice rounds at the Ryder Cup, this guy heckled Rory McIlroy for missing a putt. So, MCIlroy invited the heckler out onto the green to see if he could do any better… Read more:


This 4th-grader can’t wait for school to start

While most kids dread going back to school, this spunky 4th-grader can’t wait to begin his first day at a new school. Heck, after listening to him talk to the news reporter, we wish we could go back to school. Read more: