How to make a tiny cloud in your mouth

It might look like a camera trick at first, but making a tiny cloud in your mouth is simply a matter of science. Read more:
It might look like a camera trick at first, but making a tiny cloud in your mouth is simply a matter of science. Read more:
High-definition footage allows us to view familiar events and objects in a new light thanks to the addition of minute details we might not have ever considered before. While many people have seen footage of a nuclear bomb test, be it in a movie or education program, few of us have ever seen a detailed video of such an explosion. Thanks to the folks at we can now see with crystal clarity the devastating power of a nuclear bomb test. It is a humbling, even a little scary, reminder of humanity’s technological achievements. The explosion’s initial burst roars like a burst of thunder, while its aftershock sends out a low rumbling hum that resembles an earthquake. We are capable of incredible, awe-inspiring things. Read more:
A great teacher never gives up on her students. Read more:
While there are many frustrating things about driving in the car, we’re thankful that it allows average Joes like this guy to show off their beautiful voices. Read more:
Saturday Night Live pulls off an incredible feat of television every single week: writing, producing, and performing a live comedy show. This means that everyone, from the writers and performers to the caterers and stagehands, must be operating at maximum efficiency. This clip demonstrates everything that goes into one of their lightning-fast set changes. Read more:
How exciting could a powder made out of plant spores be? Very exciting, as it turns out. Read more:
Elon Musk is currently hard at work on his plan to send human beings to Mars in the not-too-distant future. Sound impossible? Check out his “Interplanetary Transport System” and see for yourself that the future might not be as far away as we think. Read more:
If you felt uneasy during Christopher Nolan’s latest blockbuster, this trick might be why. Read more:
Move over, Macy’s – we’d much rather be at this neighborhood parade. Read more:
Is it possible that the age of constant connectivity is actually making us lonelier? Read more: