My Z News

Danish ad reminds us how much we have in common

We often surround ourselves with people who are just like us. Clubs and organizations make it easy to only interact with those who share our same interests and core values. Still, it’s important to remember that despite our many differences, there is a lot that we all share. Read more:


Hi, I’m Steve.


This is Steve. We’re not sure we totally understand him, but that doesn’t make him any less cool. Read more:


Students perform a farewell haka for their teacher

Originally performed by warriors right before a big battle, the haka has its roots deep in the history of Maori culture. Today, they’re performed for a variety of reasons, from welcoming a guest of honor to celebrating an achievement. Watch as an auditorium full of students perform a haka to bid farewell to one of their teachers. Read more:


The hidden patterns on sidewalks

Ever noticed the textured surfaces located at the ends of crosswalks? It turns out that those tiny bumps, as well as many other subtle patterns throughout the city, have a hidden meaning that you might not know about. Read more:


Dog Destroys Water Balloons On A Trampoline

Everyone needs a passion. For one little dog named Spaz, that passion is destroying water balloons. He’ll do anything to pop those glorious liquid filled orbs. Why, he’ll even run an obstacle course. Darting from the house, around the yard, up the narrow stairs to the tree house, Spaz makes sure to pop the hidden balloon in the fort before launching through the air onto the waterlogged trampoline that hold his final prize. This little puppy is a reminder to us all, follow your bliss.  Read more: