Balancing expert stacks bottles in a shaking frame like there’s nothing to it.

What sort of black magic is going on here? Read more:
What sort of black magic is going on here? Read more:
10 Cringe-Worthy Belly Flops 1. The Ultimate Belly Flop Fails Compilation This compilation of belly flop fails, created by WorldWideInterweb, gathers an incredible amount of painful moments in less than two minutes. 2. Belly Flop Splashdown 2012 How far would you go to win a little extra cash or a new laptop, especially as a college student? These young people slathered on war paint and belly-flopped for the prize at Water World in Colorado. 3. The “World’s Biggest” Belly Flop Watch an unsuspecting pool attendee get pranked out of thin air. It might not be the world’s biggest belly flop on record, but his height is credible. 4. America’s Got Talent? During auditions for season six of America’s Got Talent, a man named “Professor Splash” performed an odd, but nerve-wracking, feat: landing belly-down into a kiddie pool from a cherry picker. It looks like Professor Splash may have some competition though, according to this video. 5. UC Greek Week Belly Flop Contest Here’s another charitable (and creative) college challenge: Fraternities and sororities belly-flopped to raise money for the Make-A-Wish foundation. 6. Red Belly Day Each year, people come from miles to Fanning Springs State Park in Florida to participate in Red Belly Day. As the video states, belly flop contestants come to “draw blood and gain a moment of fame.” 7. What’s Cooler Than One Belly Flop? While Mark gets Olympic-style coverage from his friends, he commits to not just one, but two admirable belly flops. 8. The Dugongs Australian Belly Flop Aquatic Team In Australia, the Dugongs shows the rest of the world how it’s done down under at the Belly Flop Aquatic Team Championships. 9. The Power of Video Editing For those of us who only experience belly flop pain vicariously through YouTube, a little video editing shows that sometimes this side of the pool is more painful to endure. 10. Baby Belly Flop Brent may be small in size, but he leaves quite the wake with this belly flop. We give him all 10s. Read more:
The invention of the “Man Cave” was a game changer for men. It gave men the excuse to devote a place in the house exclusively to enjoying all things manly. They could watch sports, play video games…do whatever they wanted. But why should guys get to have all the fun? After seeing how awesome man caves were, women have started making their own versions known as “She Sheds.” One woman was exploring new property when she found a tiny cabin. What she did with it was amazing. (via Wimp) It’s awesome and beneficial for everyone to have a place to get away from it all. If you can afford it, you should definitely invest in your own space to relax. Read more:
Have you ever looked at an old photo and felt like there was something darker going on than the image let on at first glance? Do you ever feel like you’re not seeing the full picture? Well, Dark 5 recently compiled some of the eeriest images of all time, and they even included information about the odd figures in each one of them. From a cave-dwelling hermit to a woman who may have filmed the second shooter of John F. Kennedy, here are some of the most mysterious subjects ever caught on film. Of course, any photo can seem creepy if you put ambient music behind it and slowly pan from side to side, but you have to admit that the stories behind these particular images definitely send them over the spooky edge! Read more:
With ears like this, it’s hard to believe that this adorable Fennec fox can’t seem to follow simple directions. Eevee’s owners tried to help the tiny critter learn to sit over the course of four days. Armed with a handful of snacks, they worked and worked to no avail. But as time went on, the nugget became more aware of what was asked of her. Those big ears can listen after all! Look at her! She’s a pro now. I really am having a hard time getting over how cute she is! Life is awful, but at least the internet is full of videos like this. Read more:
That’s a lot of power… Read more: