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Man Transforms Abandoned Cow Stable Into Modern Home

Abandoned cow stables aren’t exactly the first place most of us look for inspiration when building a new home, but for Carlos Alonso and his sister, Camino, it was just what they were looking for. The duo found a one-of-a-kind cow stable while trekking through the Spanish countryside, and they immediately fell in love with the place. The stable was on the verge of collapse when they first discovered it, but after months of renovations, they managed to transform it into an enviable luxury home with all the modern amenities you would expect. Kirsten Dirksen from heard about this unique project and travelled to the location to film it.

The footage she captured is beyond stunning. At first glance, you would never imagine that it was once used to house cows and hay. In fact, however, much of the interior architecture was inspired by the original design – just in a very modern way. The entire building is powered by solar panels, natural light, and water from the surrounding bodies of water, which makes it very ecologically-friendly. Everything is designed to bring the pristine beauty of the countryside indoors. The contrast between the modern interior design and the rustic exterior is something that will dazzle any homeowner who sees the place.

As Camino Alonso puts it, “Nature is free, it’s like a gift. You don’t have to pay for it. You have it there, you can enjoy it.” It’s a statement that certainly rings true when you explore every angle of this beautiful home.

Be sure to SHARE this amazing video with your family and friends.

H/T: Kirsten Dirksen

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