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“Bridal Buddy” Solves Every Bride’s Secret Worry

As any bride will tell you, there’s a lot of work that goes into saying “yes” to the dress. While I happened to get married in a dress that I got off a clearance rack for $19.99, the average U.S. bride spends around $1,200 on a gown. It’s a huge price tag for something you’re only going to wear once, but on the other hand, you only get to wear it once (or so you hope going into your wedding). Why not do it to the nines? In search of a dress with the perfect length, shape, color, and fit, however, one aspect that often gets overlooked is the bride’s comfort.

Before my own wedding, I had the honor of being a bridesmaid several times, and let me tell you – bridesmaids are the unsung heroes of every wedding. When wearing a big, fancy dress, a bride has serious need of attendants. We adjust bra straps, check for runs in hose, wipe off scuff marks on shoes, and keep the bride’s lipstick in our purse. We make sure she doesn’t forget to actually eat the food she so painstakingly picked out, rescue her from long-winded conversations, and keep her wine glass full. And then, of course, there’s that awkward moment when she has to use the bathroom.

The last thing you want to do to a thousand-dollar dress is tinkle on it, but getting the skirt out of the way can be a big job. From personal experience, I’d say that every bride should travel with at least two to three attendants when using the restroom – until today, that is. What you are about to see was created for brides, by a bride, to solve a problem that women have been dealing with since the first puffy wedding dress.

My only question is, why did it take us so long to figure this out?!

H/T: Bridal Buddy

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