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More And More Stores Are Creating A Purple Parking Spot For Wounded Veterans

Although most of us are familiar with the blue markings of a handicap parking space, the purple parking spot is a relatively recent phenomenon that’s being rolled out in certain places around the country. These purple spots are starting to become a growing movement for a good reason – they’re designated parking for our nation’s wounded veterans. Naturally, wounded vets are also able to use regular handicap spaces, but this is just an added gesture to honor those who have given up so much without a second thought.

The purple parking space was created by the Wounded Warriors Family Support organization, and businesses wishing to participate can get free parking signs from them. The purple color is, of course, an homage to the Purple Heart medal that is given to those soldiers who have died or been wounded in combat. If you’d like to know more about these parking signs, call (402) 502-7557 for more information or visit the Wounded Warriors Family Support website by clicking here.

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