10 YouTube Videos Every College Student Needs to See
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10 YouTube Videos Every College Student Needs to See
1. How to Do Laundry
This YouTube tutorial will make you a wash-and-fold pro. Plus, the guys will enjoy learning from an attractive woman who hang-dries her thongs.
2. How to Have Safe Sex
While this video doesn’t contain explicit — er — tutorials, it does explain the importance of protection and strong communication before and during your sexual encounters.
Contact your campus’ student health counselor with more questions or for more info about safe sex.
And be sure your parents are wearing their own raincoats, too.
3. The Freshman 15
A comical PSA warns college n00bs of the dreaded Freshman 15, to the tune of ’90s song “The Freshman,” by The Verve Pipe.
4. How to Tidy Up in Three Minutes
Handy for when your parents drop by at 1 p.m. on a Sunday — and you’re still asleep.
Bonus: Speaking from experience, this is a valuable skill to have even post-grad.
5. How to Do a Keg Stand
Precise form, proper leverage, cheap beer: all the ingredients for a killer keg stand — not that you’ll be drinking in college, right?
Be sure to memorize how to play beer pong, too. Game variations per fraternity not included.
6. How to Live on a Budget
Budgets sound pretty bust, but they’re actually quite simple and incredibly effective. If you do it right, you won’t have to take that after-school job at Pinkberry (although, that is where you’ll meet all the hot chicks, #justsayin).
7. How to Organize Your Dorm Room
YouTube user nikkithebrat creates helpful organization and design tutorials for the college generation. Guys, just replace everything pink with another color — unless, of course, that’s your bag.
8. 10 Dorm Comfort Items
She may look like your mom, but Cindy Kunz is down. She suggests bringing things to college like an electric teapot, which let’s face it, is pretty clutch.
9. Shit Sorority Girls Say
The “Shit People Say” movement may be dead, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn a thing or two from the videos. For instance, according to sorority girls, “Fro-yo doesn’t have any calories.”
Stereotypes aside, this video and its brother production, “Shit Frat Guys Say,” can be pretty accurate.
10. How to Fold a Fitted Sheet
Learning how to fold a fitted sheet may not seem like a priority, but in truth, nothing is sexier than a tidy stack of linens.
BONUS: Sweatpants
Let’s get something straight: Sweats are rad. You will wear them every single day at college, whether in hoodie, pant or headband form.
That being said, there is a time and a place for all things fleece. Lecture hall? Meh, probably. Late night munchies run? Duh. Date night? Fool, get real.
Read more: http://mashable.com/2012/08/17/youtube-videos-college/
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