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15 Things That Actually Go On In Locker Rooms — This Is Crazy (Not)

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When it comes to presidential election coverage, I typically try to avoid it at all costs by watching trashy reality shows with a bottle of wine.

However, this presidential cycle has proven to be the gift that keeps on giving, so I decided to watch Sunday’s second presidential debate. Boy am I glad I did, because it was basically reality television — without the table flipping and drink throwing.

During Sunday’s town-hall style debate, Donald Trump talked about the comments he made during a TV interview. He referenced sexually harassing women, but during the debate, he brushed his words off as nothing more than traditional “locker room talk.”

Since Trump’s remarks have sparked controversy with a variety of male athletes, we here at ViralNova thought we’d look into the other kinds of things that go on in locker rooms. It’s quite shocking what we found out.

1. There’s a lot of pumping fellow teammates up for the big game.

2. Not everyone is able to keep cool during high-pressure situations, though.

3. Sometimes you overhear some weird things in locker rooms…

4. For instance, grown men screaming like constipated moose.

5. When it all comes down to it, though, locker rooms are for sports teams celebrating wins.

Read More: 26 Things That Would’ve Been More Fun Than Watching Last Night’s Debate

6. Occasionally, you might hear a teammate pumping themselves up to hit the court.

7. Others choose to simply dance like no one’s watching.

8. Some athletes use their locker rooms as a refreshing place to shower.

9. The locker room can also be a space where a player’s anxiety comes out.

10. Locker rooms can also be utilized for completely pointless — but awesome — displays of athleticism.

11. I know for a fact that the locker room at one high school has served as the prime location to spontaneously break out into song.

12. Sometimes, you can hear grown men crying in a locker room — if you’re really lucky.

13. In recent years, locker rooms have become the prime location for supernatural activity.

Read More: These Are The 12 Most Ridiculous Promises Politicians Have Ever Made (WTF)

14. They’re also the perfect place for a heart-to-heart with your coach.

15. At times, things may get a bit awkward…

Bottom line, I think we can all agree that when someone says this in a locker room…

They don’t mean go sexually assault a woman.

Shaq knows what we’re sayin’.

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