3 Top Female Founders Answer Your Questions About Startup Life
Over the past three weeks, we’ve shed light on America’s 8.3 million women-owned businesses, spurred by American Express OPEN‘s recent report, The State of Women-Owned Businesses. In our Female Founders Series, we’ve spoken with prominent female founders about their influences, their ambitions and the challenges they’ve faced, in hopes of helping other aspiring female founders to embark on the journey, or to keep going. We’ve named 44 female founders whom every entrepreneur should know, and the series has sparked quite a conversation in the comments and on social media.
Now it’s your turn to ask a few of these female founders your questions — face to face. At 2 p.m., we’re going live with three female founders to talk about the entrepreneurial journey and how to build your own business.
Join us at 2 p.m. for a Spreecast panel — moderated by Allison Silver, VP Brand, Advertising and Advocacy at American Express OPEN — with these accomplished women:
Rachel Sklar, Founder, Change the Ratio and TheLi.st
Angela Jia Kim, Founder, Om Aroma and Savor the Success
Kellee Khalil, Founder and CEO, Lover.ly
The Spreecast is embedded below — log in to ask questions via chat or to go on-camera with the panelists. You can also tweet your questions, but be sure to include the hashtags #FemaleFounders and #PoweringTomorrow.
Thanks for joining us and for #PoweringTomorrow!
Series presented by American Express OPEN
The Female Founders Series is presented by American Express OPEN. For the full State of Women-Owned Businesses Report, visit openforum.com/women. American Express OPEN salutes, celebrates and wants to help fuel the future of women business owners. Join the conversation on Twitter and tell American Express OPEN how you’re #PoweringTomorrow in your community and with your business.
American Express OPEN
Read more: http://mashable.com/2012/08/21/female-founders-spreecast/
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