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A Bunch Of Killer Whales Surprised This Couple While They Were Celebrating Their Anniversary.

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Rich and Laura Howard were vacationing in La Paz, Mexico, for their 20th wedding anniversary. When they went out on a diving trip, they got the surprise of a lifetime (and a priceless anniversary gift). A pod of 20 Orcas started surfing behind their small dive boat. The massive killer whales started following the fast moving boat, jumping, flipping and playing in the boat’s wake, giving this couple celebrating their 20 years of love a memory that will last a lifetime.

(Source: RichardMHoward – You can find their site here: Oceans Of Images Photography) I like to imagine the Orcas are telling each other “Omgosh! If you jump up you can see totally them! They’re looking right at us! I’ve never seen one so close before!” Share this amazing sight with your friends and family below.

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