My Z News

“BioUrn” Preserves The Memory Of Your Pets

Pets are an incredible addition to our lives. They bring joy, loyalty, and great memories. They become part of our family. Then, sadly, it is time for them to go. The pain we feel is equal to the love we had for them. It is never easy to say goodbye, especially to our little friends who gave so much and asked so little in return.

One family experienced this loss with their dog, Maka. Her family knew they had to do the best they could to keep her memory alive. When Maka passed in 2004, the family had her cremated and kept the ashes in their home. Then, they discovered a new and lasting way to honor their furry family member. It’s called a BioUrn. It’s a special urn for Maka’s ashes that that was planted in the back yard and, within weeks, a sprout appeared on the spot. Eventually, this sprout will become a tree and honor their pet’s memory. 

While losing a beloved pet is never easy, BioUrn hopes that this idea will bring happiness to the family. Whenever they look at Maka’s tree, they will have fond memories of her and know that her final rest brought new life.

To learn more about BioUrn for pets, please visit their Facebook page.

Be sure to SHARE this touching story with your friends and family.

H/T: Lisa Brambilla

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