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Blockbuster Game Makers Are Lining Up to Be on the iPhone 6

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Petal, a hero from Super Evil Megacorp’s upcoming game ‘Vainglory.’
Image: Super Evil Megacorp

When Apple showed off the power of the iPhone 6‘s A8 processor, it was quick add how many game makers traditionally found on console or PC were already committed to its new phone.

Square Enix, Ubisoft, Disney, CD Project Red, Epic Games and EA were some of the larger publishers investing more heavily in mobile game creation, Apple revealed during its Tuesday iPhone 6 announcement. Also featured on the slide were games from smaller studios, like Proletariat and Vector Unit.

iphone 6 Games

Image: Mashable screenshot

A studio called Super Evil Megacorp came on stage to show off its mutliplayer online battle arena for phones, called Vainglory. It’s an ambitious title bringing a genre typically played with a mouse and keyboard to touch controls.

Super Evil Megacorp CTO Tommy Krul said on stage he wants to bring the hardcore gaming experience of PC and console to mobile.

The game pits two teams against each other; their objective is to destroy a large crystal in the other team’s base. They can also capture a large monster, the Kraken, to battle the other team. The below video shows some gameplay.

Vainglory is currently in a closed beta, but will role out globally in October.

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