My Z News

Dog Is Terrified of Low-Fat Lamb Jerky

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Dogs usually love beef jerky, but this is not beef jerky. When presented with low-fat lamb jerky, this five-month-old Labrador Retriever not only expresses his displeasure, but we’re detecting a bit of fear.

In the video’s YouTube description, his owner says, “This is strange and yet hilarious, because this is a dog who will eat anything and pretty much everything.” But he wants to make it clear that this YouTube video isn’t showing him abusing the young dog: “I will have you know that this in no way counts as abuse. Once I finished filming, he went back to playing with his toys. He is a much loved and much spoiled pup. :)”

But just look at the sad expression on the dog’s face. Sure, a lot of that is the natural folds of the breed’s skin, but from someone who has had undesired foods pushed into his face too many times, I have to feel sorry for the little guy.

What do you think? Is this any way to treat a dog?

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