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Little Boy Recalls Details Of His Past Life, Helps Cops Catch His Murderer

Though many of us don’t believe in reincarnation, the rebirth of the human soul after death into another physical body is one of the tenets of Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism. The origins of reincarnation’s concepts are obscure, but keep in mind that nobody really knows what, if anything, happens to our souls when we die.

In his book, Dr. Eli Lasch describes several instances of reincarnation that changed his views of modern medicine and the human spirit. Many of these instances came from second-hand accounts and others’ research, but Dr. Lasch did observe one event, of what he believes to be reincarnation, with his own eyes. As described in this video, the event Dr. Lasch attests to is hard to explain as mere coincidence, but was a murder victim really reincarnated as this child? You be the judge.

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