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Norwegian Bodybuilders Have Found The Secret To Looking Big

What do you do when you’re a bodybuilder who wants to look bigger than you currently do? You could work out and wait, or, as this group of Norwegian bodybuilders did, you could just visit a tiny town. Thankfully the Lilleputthammer adventure park in Hafjell Hunderfossen features a miniature copy of the town’s main street. The micro-town is designed to look the same as it was in 1930 and was built to a scale of 1:4.

At that size, the houses are accessible mostly to children, so when these staggering athletes wander in it looks like an invading army of giants. They’re not here to cause any trouble; these titans just want to look a little bit bigger. Here’s to their silly day at the park. There’s only one downside: they didn’t film a putt-putt game. 

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