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Prepare Yourself For 20 Of The Absolute Cutest Puppy Noises Ever

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Unless you’re Doctor Dolittle, it’s almost impossible to know what your dog is thinking.

It’s 2016 and we still haven’t created a device to translate what our favorite pooches have to say. No matter how hard we try to decode what our furry friends are trying to communicate, there’s just no way of knowing for sure.

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What I do know is that in their failed attempts at communications, dogs can make some pretty hilarious sounds. Whether it’s a bark, yelp, yell, squeal, or growl, you can guarantee that it’s going to be the cutest, most adorable thing you’ve heard all day. So for all my dog lovers out there in cyberspace, here’s a compilation of the 20 best doggy dialogues I’ve ever heard.

1. It sounds like he’s saying, “up, up, up.”

2. This chatterbox even talks in his sleep.

3. Is this pooch gargling mouthwash while he barks?

4. Is this a dog or a chew toy?

5. I think this pup might have swallowed a canary.

6. How can you disagree with that whine?

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7. Sleeping puppies produce some of the best sounds imaginable.

8. There’s a special place in my heart for newborn puppy cries.

9. No matter pure bred or a mutt, their yelps are contagious.

10. When will the ringing in my ears stop?

11. What’s better than one puppy whimpering? A whole chorus of pups.

12. That whine is like music to my ears.

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13. When his owner lets him get a word in, this dog proves his bark is worse than his bite.

14. That must be a horrifying dream he’s having.

15. I’m not the only one that growls when I get presents.

16. Are they singing “Home On The Range?”

17. This pup’s perfecting his falsetto.

18. Someone give this dog a bone.

19. This pup snores louder than I do.

20. Prepare yourself for cute puppy noise overload.

If I die tomorrow, at least I can die knowing I just witnessed the absolute cutest doggy noises known to man.

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