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Scientist Discover New Species of Mini-Dinosaur

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A report from University of Chicago paleontologist Paul C. Sereno identifies a new species of “dwarf herbivore” dinosaur: the Pegomastax africanus.

The Pegomastax, which dates from around 200 million years ago, was dug up in a red rock slab by scientists working in South Africa in the early 1960s. Less than two feet in length and probably weighing less than the average house cat, it had a short, parrot-shaped beak and a pair of fangs. This has led some scientists to speculate that Pegomastax may have eaten some meat, though Sereno thinks the sharp canines were probably used for defense.

It may have looked something like a “nimble two-legged porcupine,” according to Sereno. But perhaps the most interesting part is that Sereno identified the specimen as a new species almost 30 years ago:

My eyes popped, as it was clear this was a distinct species… I’m embarrassed to say how many years ago that was—1983. But I was an enterprising graduate student then at the American Museum of Natural History. All the while since then, I wondered if anyone else might spot the creature hiding among the lab drawers.

Sweet beans, paleontologists! What else have you not gotten around to discovering? If there’s proof of the Abominable Snowman just lying in a drawer somewhere, we’re going to be very angry.

This article originally published at The Mary Sue

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