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Sony Commercial Actor Sued for Using Wii in Another Ad

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Looks like it’s game over for Jerry Lambert, the guy who played Sony PlayStation executive Kevin Butler in that brand’s ads over the past few years. Sony is suing Lambert, Bridgestone and production company Wildcat Creek over a misappropriation of the Butler character.

Though the lawsuit is vague about the reasoning, a Sony rep told Kotaku that the suit was related to an ad for Bridgestone Tires that featured Lambert playing a Wii. Lambert’s presence in the ad was edited out after Sony filed the suit on Sept. 11.

In the ad, which is shown above, Lambert plays a Bridgestone scientist who is “testing” the Wii for a promotion.

Lambert had played Butler since 2009. His character was an executive at Sony who wryly responded to various “Dear PlayStation” letters. In the first ad, for instance, Butler batted away a rumor about PlayStation pricing by responding, “You can’t believe everything you read on the Internet. That’s how World War I got started.”

To relive the campaign’s total eight and a half minutes of ads, see the video below.

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