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Teen Runner Stopped To Help an Injured Competitor. And Then She Carried Her.

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Winning or losing doesn’t matter when it comes to some athletes. What matters is the well-being of those in need.

North Dakota teen Melanie Bailey was faced with a tough choice in her final high school cross-country meet. While passing the two-mile mark of the 2.4 mile course, she noticed that the runner ahead of her, fellow senior Danielle Lenoue, was in a great deal of pain. Lenoue was limping and crying, lagging behind in the race. Bailey stopped and offered help, and though the other runner kept telling her to “go on,” Bailey refused and offered her help.

When that didn’t do much to relieve the poor girl’s pain, Bailey took the girl onto her back and carried her a quarter mile to receive medical attention.

(Source: Tricia Kelley)

She may not have won the race, but she won what really mattered: being a good caring person.

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