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Thanks To This Video, You Can See What Life Will Be Like If We Ever Inhabit Mars

Lately, it seems more and more like getting off of this planet would be a great idea.

Unfortunately, we’ve just got the one habitable planet in the solar system, so it seems like we’re stuck here. That is, unless the United Arab Emirates (UAE) succeeds in their mission.

The UAE plans to build the first settlement on Mars within the next hundred years. Because so few of us will be sticking around to see that come to fruition, they’ve released a 3D Virtual Tour showing what that future settlement on Mars might look like.

Even if you don’t have a VR headset, you can click and move around on screen for the full 360 degree experience of the “City of Wisdom.”

The “Mars 2117” project was envisioned by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. He said at its launch, “Human ambitions have no limits, and whoever looks into the scientific breakthroughs in the current century believes that human abilities can realize the most important human dream.”

While the UAE doesn’t have one of the biggest space programs in the world, they’ve majorly upgraded in the past few years and are dedicating a serious amount of money to this project.

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Youtube / World Government Summit

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