My Z News

They Walked Into A Seemingly Normal Home, But The Condition They Found It In? Horrible.

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I wish this was the last time I had to cover a puppy mill rescue, but I know it won’t be.

Despite the widespread knowledge of the cruelty animals experience in puppy mills, the ASPCA still estimates that there are as many as 10,000 of these establishments all over the U.S.

People who purchase animals from pet stores are all but handing their money over to unlicensed, horrible puppy mills.


No matter how adorable they look, odds are, the dogs came from an irresponsible “breeder” who cared very little about their well-being.

This is what a puppy mill really looks like.

When the amazing people at Animal Rescue Corps got to the scene of this particular home in Morgan County, TN, they named the rescue Operation Dire Straits.

And it’s obvious why…these dogs had no time left.

Watch to see what else they found on the property and just how long they worked to save all these helpless animals.

Please, please consider contributing to Animal Rescue Corps. They are doing incredible things to give animals like these ones a second chance at a happy, healthy life.

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