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They Were Out On A Romantic Swim When This Terror Decided To Join The Party

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As a little girl, I was irrationally afraid of sharks or crocodiles showing up in swimming pools and biting my feet off.

Because of my extreme fear, let’s just say I’ve been more than a little paranoid when it comes to any body of water. Unfortunately, the following footage really doesn’t do much to help me get past this phobia.

When a couple was having a private swim in Kariba, Zimbabwe, one nasty visitor headed straight into the pool and proceeded to attack them.

I’d probably never get in a pool again if I were her.

Read More: These Tourists Found A Cow Carcass Out In The Ocean…And Saw A Shark Devour It

It’s a good thing that swimming pools have already been ruined for me, because that’s just terrifying. On a lighter note, something tells me that guy is going to be in the doghouse for quite a while.

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