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This Guy Rescued A Few Raccoons. Now They’ve Taken Over His Garage And His Life.

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Wootfatigue earns a living working on antique cars and shooting odd photography jobs. When he’s not at work he scours the internet to find the answers to some of life’s toughest questions, such as “will pee damage tires?” Now, while that might seem like an outright stupid question, when a gaze of raccoons takes up residence in your garage, anything is possible.

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That’s right folks, this is what happens when you give a raccoon a cookie.

If you give a raccoon a cookie, he’ll ask you for one more…

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And before long, there’s two more standing at your door.

If you give a raccoon a cookie, even just a bite…

These tiny, furry critters, will never leave your sight.

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If you give a raccoon a cookie, he’ll ask you for a drink.

And before long he’ll start doing some pretty questionable things.

If you give a raccoon a cookie, he’ll think he’s human too.

And he’ll eat up all your scrumptious human food.

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When a man runs out of cookies, he’ll settle for some nuts.

“It’s shopping time. More cookies please! No ifs, ands, or buts.”

All kidding aside, Wootfatigue has grown to love these raccoons as though they were his own children. Let’s just say his cookies bring all the raccoons to the yard.

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