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This Woman Describing Her Encounter With A UFO In 1954 Is Disturbingly Convincing

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Even though I love “The X-Files,” I’ve never seriously considered the possibility that UFOs actually exist.

Most of the people who claim to have seen them seem a bit crazy, and their stories sound very similar to each other — especially when it comes to their lack of details. But one woman in Staffordshire, England, might just convince me that aliens are real with her eyewitness account of a supposed UFO encounter.

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Back in the 1950s, a woman named Jessie Roestenberg heard a strange sound while watching her sons play outside — and her story of what happened next is so convincing that it’s more than a little disturbing. Get ready to question everything you believe.

The amount of detail she gives is amazing!

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to be looking at the sky more carefully from now on. You never know what could be out there…

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