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Watch This Disturbing Video Of A Woman Going Through Animal Testing Procedures

Cosmetics are an important part of the way many people feel good about themselves, but do you ever think about how they’re tested?

According to The Humane Society of the United States, animal testing is not legally required for cosmetics in the U.S., but that doesn’t stop companies from resorting to this cruel practice. Makeup tests performed on animals include “skin and eye irritation tests where chemicals are rubbed onto the shaved skin or dripped into the eyes” of animals like rabbits and “repeated force-feeding studies lasting weeks or months.”

Lush, a cruelty-free cosmetics company, teamed up with performance artist Jacqueline Traide in 2012 to show how horrific animal testing really is.

Traide took part in various simulations of what happens to animals during testing to expose the cruelty of the practice. WARNING: This video is graphic.

Read More: These 14 Items You Have In Your House Are Tested On Animals To This Day

Check out the Humane Society’s Be Cruelty-Free campaign to learn about anti-animal testing legislation and see how to support cosmetics companies like Lush who don’t test their products on animals. And be sure to share this to raise awareness and help put an end to animal testing for good.

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