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You’ve Seen This Pie-In-The-Face Game, But This Dog Totally Changed The Rules

Though we’ve made countless attempts over the years, my siblings and I have never been able to finish a game of Monopoly.

One of us always ends up flipping the board and sending all of the pieces flying across the room because we simply can’t last the many hours it takes to trudge through it. The same is true for plenty of board games.

One game that’s recently grown in popularity, however, is Pie Face, which requires far less skill and time than many of its competitors. In fact, it’s so easy a dog could do it…sort of. Whether this pooch was sick of its humans playing or just craving a treat, it doesn’t really matter. Either way, the dog’s method for ending their fun is pretty hilarious.

“Don’t mind if I do.”

Read More: These Baby Quails Could Have Been In Big Trouble, But This Pup Is A Gentle Giant

That’s definitely one happy pup! Be sure to SHARE this story with all your dog-loving friends to give them a few laughs.

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