My Z News

“American Ninja Warrior” Has Its First Ever Female Finalist. Watch Her Inspirational Qualifying Run.

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“American Ninja Warrior” is an American TV show where contestants take on ridiculously challenging obstacle courses and compete for a trip to an even more difficult course in Las Vegas. Only the top ten contestants get to try their hand at conquering “Mt. Midoriyama” and for the first time in the show’s history, one of them will be female. Despite only being 5′ tall and 100 lbs, Kacy Catanzaro was able to accomplish something big. In front of an incredibly supportive Dallas crowd, the former Division 1 gymnast showed everyone what she’s made of and reminded us all that anyone can do anything they put their mind to. Check out her inspiring run! Don’t leave her hanging now. Thanks for the inspiration, Kacy! And good look on “Mt. Midoriyama!” Not that you’ll need it. Share this post using the button below. Read more:


This Campaign Commercial Shows That Deep Down, We’re Not All That Different

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Well, today’s the day. According to early exit polls, 85 percent of voters “just want it to be over.” Who can blame them? This election season hasn’t exactly been fun for anyone. The media says that Americans are more divided than ever. In the last few months of debates and campaigning, that has seemed to be true. It feels like no one can find anything to agree on…but deep down, is one side of the aisle really that different from the other? Recently, Pedigree sent a “lost dog” into Trump and Clinton rallies. Would Republicans and Democrats put aside their differences for the love of pets? I think we can all agree on one thing… Read More: Awesome Mom Calls Live Television Show To Give Her Sons A Talking-To I completely agree with the woman who says, “Things like this give us hope that we can all find common ground.” For the love of dogs, let’s keep this sentiment in mind, no matter what the polls say tonight. Read more: