My Z News

A Bear Rescued From A Bile Farm Jumps For Joy Over Newfound Freedom

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Around the world, people still do horrible things to animals all in the name of “medicine.” Whether it’s killing rhinos for their horns or using rattlesnakes and their venom, the practices are disturbing, especially when you consider the lack of scientific evidence to support the old-world beliefs. But perhaps one of the meanest and cruelest practices is illegally keeping bears in cages to harvest their bile. Stuck inside cages smaller than your closet for years at a time, the beautiful beasts suffer countless health issues, some that will one day even kill them. That’s why rescue workers search out these bear bile farms year-round in an effort to save the animals’ lives and move them somewhere safe. This is the reality of far too many bears around the world. YouTube / NatGeoWild Animals Asia, in particular, is extremely focused on ending the horrid and inhumane practice. And when they had the chance to rescue one bear named Tuffy recently, they jumped at the opportunity to bring him to a sanctuary after years of torture. This was his reaction on his first day outside… Let’s just hope more bears like him get the chance to celebrate, too! Read more:


A Dog With Chemical Burns All Over His Body Just Got A Heartwarming Makeover

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); A dog named Ruger recently showed up at Vet Ranch suffering from something that broke the doctors’ hearts. Dr. Matt Carriker, a veterinarian from Texas, was so stunned when the poor pup entered his office with extreme chemical burns. He was found by a rescue organization as a stray, and when he entered the office for some much-needed care, people could not believe that someone could do something so awful to a dog. Watch his incredible recovery in the video below. Thank goodness these Good Samaritans were able to save him. Without their care, Ruger probably would’ve died scared and alone. Now he has a new lease on life! Read more: