My Z News

What Astronauts Heard On The Moon Is Incredibly Eerie — Is This For Real?

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Going to the moon is a goal for almost every astronaut, and in the late 1960s, humans accomplished that goal for the first time. It was a monumental technological breakthrough. Many people thought that we would never do it, but in the heat of the Cold War, America made it to the moon. On our journeys since, some irregularities have occurred. Take these sounds, for example. Bizarre noises were heard on the dark side of the moon, and as you’ll hear in the video below, they were absolutely chilling. (via Unexplained Mysteries) If that doesn’t give you the willies, I don’t know what will. I have to hand it to those brave astronauts for going up there. Space travel is clearly creepy. Read more:


Astronaut Shaves His Head in Space

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NASA‘s Chris Cassidy wanted to give fellow astronaut Luca Parmitano a warm welcome to the International Space Station last week, but a bottle of wine or a nice casserole wouldn’t cut it. Cassidy buzzed his head to match Parmitano’s signature clean-shaven look. (Hey, imitation is the best form of flattery.) However, even the most menial of tasks take on a whole new level in zero gravity. Cassidy couldn’t just pick up a standard razor — hair would be floating around the ISS for weeks. Instead, he used an electric hair trimmer and a vacuum. “I don’t think I’ve looked like this since Plebe Summer!” joked Cassidy, who has a reputation as a notorious prankster. When he arrived on board the ISS in March, he donned an over-the-top fake mustache for Commander Chris Hadfield. The fun didn’t stop with the video above. Once the nerds at Mission Control back on Earth heard about the space haircut, they jumped in on the joke with this “Wanted” poster in search of the missing hair. Images courtesy of NASA Read more: