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This Might Look Like A Normal Wedding Photo, But Wait Until You See Who Took It

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Everyone who has ever helped plan a wedding knows how many exhausting hours go into ensuring that the day goes off without a hitch. The amount of people who have to be hired months in advance — like caterers, florists, tailors, and planners — is staggering. One of the most important decisions that every couple has to make centers around picking the perfect photographer. But Addie and Marshall Burnette decided to avoid that issue completely. That’s because they had a less conventional photographer at their disposal…and she happened to be of the four-legged variety. YouTube / Marshall Burnette This adorable pair decided to strap a GoPro to their Siberian husky, Ryder. She captured their entire wedding day. YouTube / Marshall Burnette Ryder filmed every special moment from a completely unique perspective, bringing the occasion and its beautiful backdrop to life. YouTube / Marshall Burnette It took Addie and Marshall hours to pore over Ryder’s footage, but the end result is absolutely stunning. Check out the beautiful video in its entirety below: What a great way to incorporate their favorite pup into their wedding day! How cute is it that her little ears show up in every frame? When it comes to unique touches, this couple’s wedding takes the tiered cake. Read more: