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Colleagues Quickly Realized That The Speech Given By This Writer Would Be His Last

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While giving a speech to the press in Thrissur back in 2007, Indian writer and academic M. N. Vijayan — also known as Vijayan Mash — suddenly stopped talking and made a chilling face. It was a look that unfortunately signaled the end of his life. The publicly recorded death of Vijayan is surrounded by controversy to this day, since friends blame Professor Sukumar Azhikode for bringing him to the conference even though he knew that the writer was having heart troubles. Below are the final moments of Vijayan Mash’s life. Following his collapse, Vijayan was taken to a hospital in Thrissur. Oddly enough, the hospital they chose to transport him to was far from the location of the conference, leading to further suspicion of foul play. Read more:


Security Footage Of This Gun Store Break-In Is Intensely Disturbing

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); Theft is something that every retail store on Earth has to deal with. Yes, that even includes gun shops. You’d think that trying to steal something from a store full of guns and potentially armed patrons would dissuade criminals from trying to shoplift, and it does, to an extent. Some thieves are just braver than most. That’s why they prefer the flashy smash-and-grab approach over stealthy shoplifting. Just check out this security camera footage from a particularly over-the-top break in at a gun store in Houston, Texas. Back in early March, a group of 10 masked men used a truck to literally pull the gate off of a gun store in the early morning hours. #War SHOCK: Massive Gun Store Robbery In Houston Caught On Camera… — Warfare (@warfarenyc) April 7, 2016 The organized group of men then proceeded to ransack the store, smashing display cases and grabbing rifles off of the racks. Organized group pulls off Houston gun store heist via /r/WTF — me (@not_actuallyme) March 31, 2016 The robbers made off with 85 guns in total. In the days that followed, many of them were caught trying to flip those guns on the black market. Three Suspects Under Arrest in Houston Gun Store Heist – — telegraph-24 (@telegraph_24) March 4, 2016 googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCI1_BTF’); }); By mid-March, local authorities working with the ATF had arrested three suspects and recovered about half of the stolen weapons. Arrests made in Houston gun store smash-and-grab caught on video — 48 Hours (@48hours) March 3, 2016 Presumably, some of those guns (and the men that stole them) are out there somewhere. Let’s just hope they’re caught before they strike again. Carter’s Country gun store in SW Houston still closed after smash & grab Tues. Employees hope to reopen later today. — Adam Bennett (@AdamBennettKHOU) March 3, 2016 (via ABC News) The scary thing is that robberies like this happen all too often, and it’s depressing because so little can be done to stop them. It’s just uniquely awful when they happen in stores full of deadly weapons. Read more: