My Z News

Howling Husky Throws Adorable Temper Tantrum When Told To Get Out Of The Bath

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Normally, dogs sprint for the door when they hear the word “walk,” super excited to go outside for a bit. But not Zeus. He’s much happier when he hears the word “bath.” According to his owner, the stubborn husky loves nothing more than to take baths and play in the water. Often, he even lies in the tub and begs for the water to be turned on. On this occasion, Zeus’ mom made it quite clear to him that it wasn’t bath time and that they were going out for a walk. That’s when the pup threw a full-blown toddler-style temper tantrum, full of whimpers and howls. It’s okay, Zeus, I feel your pain. Maybe if you make sure to get extra dirty during your walk you’ll get that bath! Read more:


This Husky Learned An Important Lesson While Walking Down The Stairs

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When it comes to using the stairs, mastering the art was a trial by fire for this puppy. While following her mom downstairs one day, the little husky tried her best to slink down each Mount Olympus-sized step. She made it a few steps down before getting scared and hightailing it back up…which ultimately proved to be her undoing. (Spoiler: she’s fine in the end!) Poor girl! That’s one tough pup. Huskies were originally bred for trudging across the Siberian tundra, so they’re resilient. The stairs surely won’t foil her plans again! Read more: