My Z News

If Bears Attacked 1 In 5 People, You Wouldn’t Look The Other Way

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Before finishing their college degree, approximately one in five women will be subject to some level of sexual assault. The volume of violence against young women seems impossible to ignore — and yet, more often than not, that’s exactly what happens. But…what if it was a bear? What if a giant, hungry, angry bear was pounding down your door. For some women, that’s exactly what it feels like just walking to class. This video may seem silly, but its message is important for everyone to hear. Not the greatest odds, huh? It’s time for us all to stand up and make a difference in the safety of young women and girls everywhere. Visit It’s On Us for more information and to see how you can help spread the message and save lives. Read more:


Forget The Funny Commercials — This Is The Super Bowl Ad That You Need To See

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If you tuned into Super Bowl 50 last weekend, chances are that you, like most Americans, were watching partly because of the game, and partly because of the ridiculous commercials. Companies pay extremely large amounts of money to have their ads seen on Super Bowl Sunday, and this year was no exception. But one commercial was much more salient than the rest. Using imagery that we can all understand, the No More campaign raised awareness of something that shatters thousands of lives every year. In a sea of silly, puppy-filled commercials, this ad highlighted the subtle signs of domestic violence and sexual abuse that we all need to watch out for. This ad isn’t just moving. It’s important. This is an issue that we must address before domestic abuse ruins another family and claims another life. Read more: