My Z News

This Security Footage Caught A Ghost Trying To Steal A Woman’s Lunch

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Even the toughest cafeteria bullies have nothing on this hungry ghost. At a restaurant in Luton, England, called Jimmy’s World Grill & Bar, everything appeared to be normal…until a woman stopped paying attention to her food, that is. When she walked away, something shoved her lunch off the table. You’ll never leave your food unattended again after you check this video out. (via Unexplained Mysteries) As the folks at Unexplained Mysteries point out, the only hoaxy thing about this video is that the table in question sits awkwardly at the bottom of the screen, where you conveniently can’t see much of what’s going on around it. Would you have asked for a new meal after this? I know I would have taken mine to go! Read more:


Two Polar Bears Meet For The First Time And Instantly Become Best Buds

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This is the heartwarming moment when two young polar bears named Nobby and Nissan come nose-to-nose and instantly become the greatest of friends. They even cement their newly found friendship with a nice, relaxing swim. The pair live on a vast ten-acre polar reserve at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park in England, an area they share with 16-year-old Victor and three-year-old Pixel. After seeing this video you’ll think they’d been friends forever! Disney, you know what to do with this! A heartfelt story about two polar bear friends going on all types of adventures together is in order. Read more: