My Z News

He Was Exploring An Abandoned House When He Encountered A Possible Ghost…

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When exploring abandoned places is your passion, you need to be ready for the unexpected to happen at pretty much any moment. Seasoned urban explorers all have their own kind of rituals and safety precautions when they’re on the job. For example, in interviews with urban explorer Seph Lawless, he said that he occasionally carries a gun with him while exploring certain places. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); }); However, for photographer and urban explorer Freaktography, nothing could have prepared him for what some believe he encountered inside this beautiful abandoned home in Ontario, Canada. Freaktography googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBM_BTF’); }); The old stone house, which stood not far from the shores of Lake Michigan, was beginning to collapse in on itself. Freaktography Freaktography Just imagine how beautiful this home must have been before it was abandoned. Freaktography googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCI1_BTF’); }); Freaktography Old wallpaper still hangs in some of the rooms. Freaktography A dizzying view of the grand staircase. Freaktography While these pictures make the house look very abandoned, Freaktography was possibly not the only being inside the house on this particular day. Freaktography In addition to the photos, he also took some video. While he doesn’t remember anything weird happening, reviewing the footage later he spotted something weird dart across the camera at about the 1:25 mark. Could this house be haunted? Looks like it. (source Freaktopgraphy) Whoa. Alright, that was freaky as hell. For more photos like these, make sure to follow Freaktography on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Read more:


This Drowning PSA From The 1970s Gave So Many Kids Nightmares For Life

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In the 1970s, Britain was experiencing an alarmingly high number of child fatalities from drowning. So the government decided to do something about it. In 1973, the Central Office of Information, in association with Illustra Films, produced a PSA entitled Lonely Water. The PSA featured a demonic figure warning children to stay away from the water. It ran for several years during commercial breaks in children’s television programming. But was it effective? Check it out below and see for yourself… Today, Lonely Water has achieved cult status, especially among adults who were children at the time it aired. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it also terrified millions of British children into never swimming again. Well, at least it kept them from drowning…? Read more:


To Hell With Snakes And Spiders, What We Need To Watch Out For Are Centipedes

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); What do you fear more, snakes or spiders? Personally, I go with spiders every time…I hate those things. However, I might have to revise my very scientific decision in the snake vs. spider debate and nominate a third species for most terrifying: the centipede. I know what you’re thinking: “Centipede? Really? This guy has nerves of glass.” While you’re probably right about that last part, I have a very good reason to fear centipedes over snakes or spiders. Just watch the video below to see what I mean. Spoiler alert: the centipede catches a bat out of the air. (via Reddit) See what I mean? Now don’t panic. Deadly centipedes like this only live in certain areas, so you’re probably safe. But it still might not be a bad idea to stock up on ammo and bug spray, just in case. Read more:


Security Footage Of This Gun Store Break-In Is Intensely Disturbing

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); Theft is something that every retail store on Earth has to deal with. Yes, that even includes gun shops. You’d think that trying to steal something from a store full of guns and potentially armed patrons would dissuade criminals from trying to shoplift, and it does, to an extent. Some thieves are just braver than most. That’s why they prefer the flashy smash-and-grab approach over stealthy shoplifting. Just check out this security camera footage from a particularly over-the-top break in at a gun store in Houston, Texas. Back in early March, a group of 10 masked men used a truck to literally pull the gate off of a gun store in the early morning hours. #War SHOCK: Massive Gun Store Robbery In Houston Caught On Camera… — Warfare (@warfarenyc) April 7, 2016 The organized group of men then proceeded to ransack the store, smashing display cases and grabbing rifles off of the racks. Organized group pulls off Houston gun store heist via /r/WTF — me (@not_actuallyme) March 31, 2016 The robbers made off with 85 guns in total. In the days that followed, many of them were caught trying to flip those guns on the black market. Three Suspects Under Arrest in Houston Gun Store Heist – — telegraph-24 (@telegraph_24) March 4, 2016 googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCI1_BTF’); }); By mid-March, local authorities working with the ATF had arrested three suspects and recovered about half of the stolen weapons. Arrests made in Houston gun store smash-and-grab caught on video — 48 Hours (@48hours) March 3, 2016 Presumably, some of those guns (and the men that stole them) are out there somewhere. Let’s just hope they’re caught before they strike again. Carter’s Country gun store in SW Houston still closed after smash & grab Tues. Employees hope to reopen later today. — Adam Bennett (@AdamBennettKHOU) March 3, 2016 (via ABC News) The scary thing is that robberies like this happen all too often, and it’s depressing because so little can be done to stop them. It’s just uniquely awful when they happen in stores full of deadly weapons. Read more:


They Claim That They Received A Message From A Demon, And They Might Be Right

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One of the most terrifying things about the technological world that we now live in is that ghosts and demons seem to have found ways to torment us via phone. Take, for example, the story of Redditor digiwarfare. According to digiwarfare, he and a few friends were hanging out last month when one of them received a text from an unknown number. Attached to the message was an untitled audio file. Not knowing what else to do, he played it for his friends. What they heard was absolutely nightmarish. WARNING: This recording is loud, so turn your speakers down before playing the video. (source: Reddit) So is this real or not? As someone with experience making and recording music, I know for a fact that something like this could easily be created on Pro Tools. But just because it could be fake doesn’t mean that it is. Read more: