My Z News

The Most Zen Cat Ever Chills With His Two Best Friends: Another Cat…And A Frog!

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This incredibly serene video features the most chill cat imaginable, Shiro, and his son Kuro. The two are enjoying a relaxing day outside on the roof of a car. But they’re not alone… A tiny frog appears to have found the perfect sunbathing spot — on Shiro’s paw. The three friends seem like they’re feeling oneness with the universe, and so will you after watching this. If that wasn’t Zen enough for you, then how about a video of Shiro chillaxing with the same frog on his head? The next time you’re at a yoga class and the instructor asks you to take a moment to clear your mind for some peaceful meditation, instead of focusing on that cheap tabletop water fountain from Target, I want you to think about Shiro. You’ll instantly become one with the universe around you. Namaste, Zen Master Shiro. Thank you for all you have shown us. YouTube Read more:


He Was Attacked By A Jungle Cat And Barely Lived To Tell The (Adorable) Tale

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“I’ve never had my ear licked before by an ocelot — first time for everything,” is one of the things that actually came out of Coyote Peterson’s mouth during a real-life encounter with a young jungle cat. While roaming around in the rainforests of Costa Rica doing things that someone named Coyote Peterson would definitely do, the adventurer and his companion were stopped in their tracks by a baby ocelot with seemingly insatiable bloodlust…or a strong desire to play with some weird-looking animals. Either one. While picking up wild animals with sharp teeth is never really a good idea, there’s no harm in watching someone else do it, right? Pleasant! YouTube / Brave Wilderness You know what’s especially dumb? Playing with small predators that may have much larger moms lurking nearby. In any case, I’m glad this is a thing that really happened and I’m glad it didn’t happen to me. Read more: