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These Ghost Hunters Triggered The Rage Of A Restless Spirit

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When it comes to ghost hunting, the most interesting spirits to track down are the angry ones. Sure, they might be capable of injuring you, but they also tend to be the most active. Take, for example, this footage from the 3 Girls In The Dark paranormal team. The group explored the famous Villisca Murder House in Iowa late last year and captured some bizarre footage. In 1912, the house was the site of a brutal murder that left all six members of the Moore family and their two young guests dead. It was after midnight when one member of the team recited the phrase that evidently inspired Reverend Lyn George Kelly to commit the murders. After the women said the phrase aloud, one of their cameras started shaking violently. That ghost wanted nothing to do with being taunted by the living. (source: Ghostsofbritain) It’s worth noting that even though Kelly confessed to the murders in 1917, he was never actually convicted. His case went to court twice, and both times, he was acquitted. The murders remain officially unsolved to this day. You can read more about the Villisca axe murders here. Read more:


He Was Exploring An Abandoned House When He Encountered A Possible Ghost…

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When exploring abandoned places is your passion, you need to be ready for the unexpected to happen at pretty much any moment. Seasoned urban explorers all have their own kind of rituals and safety precautions when they’re on the job. For example, in interviews with urban explorer Seph Lawless, he said that he occasionally carries a gun with him while exploring certain places. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); }); However, for photographer and urban explorer Freaktography, nothing could have prepared him for what some believe he encountered inside this beautiful abandoned home in Ontario, Canada. Freaktography googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBM_BTF’); }); The old stone house, which stood not far from the shores of Lake Michigan, was beginning to collapse in on itself. Freaktography Freaktography Just imagine how beautiful this home must have been before it was abandoned. Freaktography googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCI1_BTF’); }); Freaktography Old wallpaper still hangs in some of the rooms. Freaktography A dizzying view of the grand staircase. Freaktography While these pictures make the house look very abandoned, Freaktography was possibly not the only being inside the house on this particular day. Freaktography In addition to the photos, he also took some video. While he doesn’t remember anything weird happening, reviewing the footage later he spotted something weird dart across the camera at about the 1:25 mark. Could this house be haunted? Looks like it. (source Freaktopgraphy) Whoa. Alright, that was freaky as hell. For more photos like these, make sure to follow Freaktography on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Read more: