My Z News

What He Found In His Grandparents’ House Sent Him On A Journey Back In Time

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There are endless treasures to be found in our grandparents’ attics. While digging through these family heirlooms and artifacts, we’re lucky if we come across a few tattered photos from the war, or a chipped teacup from an old collection. Although substantial finds may be few and far between, these relics help us piece together the stories of our lives. But one man hit the jackpot one day while rummaging through his grandparents’ things. What he discovered sent him on a stunning journey back in time. He found a perfectly preserved film of his grandparents’ wedding that dates back to 1944. Vimeo / Bliss Productions Although this footage was captured decades ago, the affection shown by these two lovebirds is timeless. My Grandparents Wedding :: 16mm from 1944 from bliss* productions on Vimeo. Grandparents are often viewed as the pillars of the family. They’re seen as sage, wizened monuments to everything that younger generations stand for. It’s rare that we get to peek behind the curtain and marvel at who they were before we were born, and now that this man has stepped back in time, he will be able to move forward with a whole new perspective on who he is and where he came from. Read more:


She Was Finally Adopted By Her Foster Family, But Watch What Her Brothers Do Next

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); One of the best moments in a foster child’s life is when they become part of a family. I’m sure that the moment when Tori finally got adopted is one she’ll cherish for the rest of her life. But the experience became even more special when her new brothers whipped out a guitar during the adoption ceremony and started singing in the judge’s chambers. I wish my brothers were this sweet. What an amazing way to welcome their new sister. I only have one more thing to say after all of that cuteness: Read more: