My Z News

This Landslide In Japan Is Like Something Out Of A Michael Bay Movie

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Hopefully, most of us will never have to experience the horror of a landslide. These things are some of the most underrated natural disasters of all time. Just imagine being on a hillside in a rainstorm. Everything is wet, but it all looks solid. But all of a sudden, the ground gives way and starts hurtling down the hill. If you’re not ready for them, these things can kill you. During one storm in Japan, people along Route 168 prepared themselves for impending doom by setting up barricades. Just imagine how much worse this could have been. (via Reddit) It’s a wonder of modern science that they were able to predict and anticipate this landslide. The rest of the world could learn a thing or two from Japan. Read more:


Everyone Got Out Of Their Cars On This Busy Highway To Film What Looks Like A UFO

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTBT_ATF’); }); When it comes to UFOs, I’m not really sure what I believe. While I certainly think it’s possible that some form of life exists on other planets, I also know that it’s really easy to doctor a video and then present it as evidence of an extraterrestrial sighting. This is why I’m torn about what really happened in this recent footage. On April 11, 2016, people driving on a highway in Guangzhou, China, suddenly stopped their cars and rushed outside to record a strange flying object with their phones. Do you think this is proof that UFOs exist? This wasn’t the only supposed sighting in Guangzhou. In 2011, the below footage emerged online, claiming to be one of the clearest videos of a UFO. However, it was quickly proven to be fake. (via Mysterious Universe) Nowadays, it seems like there’s a way to fabricate practically anything. But who knows what’s really out there? I sure don’t. Read more: