Watch The Moment When A Woman Sees Her Brother For The First Time In Decades

We all know how extremely busy we can get. Unfortunately, most of us are so caught up in work and daily tasks that we don’t realize how quickly time flies by. As our lives become more demanding, it’s harder to find the time to visit family members who don’t live nearby. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DCBP_ATF’); }); This woman knows exactly what I mean. She went years without seeing her brother. Because of his busy life in a different state and the fact that she is a single mother who isn’t able to take time off work, they spent 24 years apart. But when she came home one day to see her daughter, she got the best surprise ever. I can’t imagine how amazing this moment was for them. How sweet was that? Even though they were separated for so long, it’s awesome that they were finally able to reunite. I think we should all go and call (or visit!) our siblings or family members. I know I’m going to! Read more: