My Z News

These Young Women Have Big Things To Say About What It Means To Play Like A Girl

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googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display(‘VN_PG_DTAT_ATF’); }); If you ask most people, they’ll tell you girls are supposed to like pink. They’ll say that girls are supposed to tick the boxes on their bucket lists next to “big white dress” and “fairy-tale wedding.” Girls are supposed to throw tea parties and dress dolls and giggle and cry and sit on the sidelines while boys score goals and go home covered in grass stains. And that’s where most people are totally wrong. In an effort to highlight the strength and joy that comes with playing “like a girl,” Always proves that those three words are far from insulting. They’re full of so much power. While other people are busy telling girls to quit, they’re busy telling each other one simple thing in response: “Don’t you dare.” If girls enjoy princesses and tea parties, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. What’s wrong is forcing all girls to stand behind walls built with stereotypes and expectations. To learn more about the Always #LikeAGirl campaign, be sure to check this out. Read more:


She Was Just Standing In The Lincoln Memorial When She Suddenly Started Singing

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If you’ve ever visited the Lincoln Memorial, you know that it can be a moving experience. Standing in the presence of American history in such a massive space is pretty humbling as it is, which makes what this woman just did even more incredible. As tourists crowded around the famous statue, singer G. Star Swain decided to take advantage of the acoustics and treat everyone to a special performance. And she couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate song. I hope something like this happens next time I make my way to D.C. This is an experience those tourists will never forget. Read more: