My Z News

A Woman Riding A Motorcycle Is A Litterbug Vigilante. She Won’t Let You Do It.

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We’d all love if there were less trash on our streets, but are we doing anything about it? Aside from throwing out our garbage when it’s convenient for us, that is… The answer is: probably not. But this anonymous vigilante took the law (and trash) into her own hands and returned it to the litterbugs who treat our roads like their personal, sprawling garbage cans. If you’re surprised by this woman’s actions, just wait until you see the looks on the faces of the people whose trash she returns via motorcycle. (Yeah, motorcycle.) Take a look at this environmentalist biker in action!   The vigilante spotted the litterbug. They had no idea what was coming to them. BoredPanda Well, now they know. BoredPanda In your face! BoredPanda You just made a big mistake. BoredPanda I’ll bet they won’t do that again. BoredPanda For more of the Mother Earth-loving motorcyclist in action, check out the video below. (via BoredPanda) Way to go, anonymous vigilante environmentalist biker! If you’re going to use the world as a trash can, be prepared to get treated like human garbage. Read more:


Motorcycle Race Leader Forgets to Run Last Lap

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Superbike racer Riccardo Russo made an error at the 2012 Italian CIV championship race in Mugello he’ll likely remember all his life: He forgot to run the last lap! To make the situation even worse, Russo was leading the race at the time. As he crossed the finish line, he slowed down and started celebrating his “win,” while all the other racers whizzed past him. The video above shows the unfortunate celebration for a while, and then the director switches to the rest of the racers who completed the final lap. While Russo’s error seems quite unbelievable, these types of mistakes occasionally do happen in racing. Spanish racer Julián Simón famously celebrated his win too early in 2009, eventually finishing fourth in the race. Read more: