My Z News

What Astronauts Heard On The Moon Is Incredibly Eerie — Is This For Real?

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Going to the moon is a goal for almost every astronaut, and in the late 1960s, humans accomplished that goal for the first time. It was a monumental technological breakthrough. Many people thought that we would never do it, but in the heat of the Cold War, America made it to the moon. On our journeys since, some irregularities have occurred. Take these sounds, for example. Bizarre noises were heard on the dark side of the moon, and as you’ll hear in the video below, they were absolutely chilling. (via Unexplained Mysteries) If that doesn’t give you the willies, I don’t know what will. I have to hand it to those brave astronauts for going up there. Space travel is clearly creepy. Read more:


Even Mundane Activities Are Insanely Awesome (And Really Difficult) In Space

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Everyone has wondered what it would be like to be an astronaut at one point or another. Flying around in outer space has to be a ton of fun, right? And how cool would it be to live without gravity for a little while? Well, trying to carry out everyday activities is actually extremely difficult without the help of gravity’s reliable pull. Here are a few things that you do every day that would be insanely hard to do if you were up in space. Brushing your teeth Making a burrito Cleaning up spills Playing music Working out Clipping your nails Getting sick Playing soccer Cooking a Thanksgiving meal Sleeping var OX_ads = OX_ads || []; OX_ads.push({ slot_id: “537251604_5641890863467”, auid: “537251604” }); Doing laundry Washing your hair Unwinding with your favorite hobbies Going to the bathroom Crying And of course, eating chips Giphy (via Mental Floss) I’m beginning to question my dreams of becoming an astronaut. It seems like a huge hassle to get anything done up there. I salute you, space explorers. You are braver and more patient than I am. Read more: